Monday, November 21, 2016 UK Prime Minister Theresa May and opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn both spoke at the annual Confederation of British Industry conference today, talking about Britain after its planned ‘Brexit’ from the European Union, and future plans for business. May formally announced plans to cut corporation tax fromContinue Reading

Wednesday, August 20, 2008 United States (U.S.) Senator Joe Lieberman is scheduled to speak at the Republican party convention, according to a member of the McCain campaign who wishes to remain anonymous. Lieberman, who was the Democratic vice presidential candidate in the 2000 presidential election, has been one of RepublicanContinue Reading

Here’s An Opinion On: Student Virtual Health By Greg Garner HIPAA or the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act was put forward by the United States Congress as a federal law in 1996. HIPAA’s main goal was the protection and safety of patient information handled by doctors and other healthcareContinue Reading

This is the category for mining. Refresh this list to see the latest articles. 10 January 2020: Greek prime minister reaffirms EastMed pipeline project is open for other countries to join 3 June 2016: Glencore announces Tahmoor mine in New South Wales to close 28 May 2014: Second sinkhole appearsContinue Reading

Wednesday, September 17, 2008 The Federal Reserve took over American International Group (AIG) on Tuesday in an US$85 billion loan, in exchange for a 79.9% stake in the company. A press release issued Tuesday stated that “the Board determined that, in current circumstances, a disorderly failure of AIG could addContinue Reading

Saturday, September 10, 2005 The proposed legislation includes an increase in the number of security cameras, penalties for leaving bags unattended at airports, electronic tags and restraining orders on suspects and tougher jail terms for inciting violence. Greater powers will be given to police and spy agencies to deal withContinue Reading

Wednesday, March 31, 2010 The World Health Organization (WHO) is a program of the United Nations and a global authority on human health. In an interview with Wikinews, the WHO tells about the current H1N1 pandemic. The organization’s 93rd update as of March 26, 2010 states 213 countries, territories, andContinue Reading

Saturday, June 11, 2011 The government of Eritrea has accused four British men who were detained last December of espionage and terrorism. The men were working for Protection Vessels International (PVI), a maritime security company, when they disappeared on December 24, 2010. According to the company, the group was forcedContinue Reading