Wednesday, April 29, 2009THEMIS space probes discovered that the Northern lights are seen when electrical tornadoes, rotating faster than a million miles an hour, hover about 40,000 miles (60,000 km) above the earth. The energy spins down to the Earth’s ionosphere where the tornadoes become unstable, and interact with the Earth’s magneticContinue Reading

Monday, January 2, 2006 Anyone riding the OC Transpo Ottawa municipal bus service’s express bus routes this morning and this afternoon, in the Ottawa area, was probably greeted with an empty bus, and inherently, a “fast and efficient” ride. This is in part because most government workers where off fromContinue Reading

Saturday, April 16, 2005 When the curtains were drawn and the anthem began, confusion flickered over the faces in the large hall which welcomed the NRA (National Rifle Association) to Houston. It was the sounds of rocker Ted Nugent’s rendition of the Star Spangled Banner. People didn’t know whether toContinue Reading

Here’s An Opinion On: Industrial Relations Policies And Obligations Submitted by: Penny Lane Somebody who has been injured at work needs to find an experienced worker s comp lawyer or work s comp attorney. Before you start your search for representation, there are a few important things you should know.Continue Reading

Sunday, October 29, 2006 Police are reporting that there has been a passenger jet crash near the Nigerian capital of Abuja. The ADC Airlines flight to Sokoto crashed shortly after take-off. More than 100 passengers were on board, many are feared dead. An emergency spokesperson has stated that the planeContinue Reading

Saturday, February 10, 2007 Russian President Vladimir Putin heavily criticized the United States in a speech at the 43rd Munich Conference on Security Policy Saturday for what he called its “almost uncontained” use of force in the world. Putin also criticized US plans for missile defense systems and NATO’s expansion.Continue Reading

Here’s An Opinion On: Art Tours Europe byAlma Abell Many people living in Las Vegas find themselves surrounded by tourists who come to see the shows, gamble in the casinos, and live it up for a weekend. Living in a high tourist area can leave a person wanting to goContinue Reading