Friday, September 23, 2011 Two US hikers, Josh Fattal and Shane Bauer, have been freed from Tehran’s Evin prison in Iran after $1 million bail was paid. Accused of spying, the men were arrested when they apparently strayed along the unmarked Iran–Iraq border in July 2009, and were recently sentenced toContinue Reading

Monday, July 23, 2007 Last week, Libya lifted the death sentence for five Bulgarian nurses and a Palestinean doctor in the case about the HIV infection of hundreds of Libyan children. The deal called for a US$460 million settlement for the families of the children. However, now Libya is holdingContinue Reading

Tuesday, June 23, 2009 Audio Wikinews News Brief for June 23, 2009 Recorded by: James_PainProblems listening to the file? See media help. RSS Contents 1 About 2 News Brief Transcript for June 23, 2009 2.1 Intro 2.2 Sarkozy says burqa is “not welcome” in France 2.3 Tensions continue to riseContinue Reading

Thursday, January 25, 2007  Correction — February 8, 2007 Terrie Berenden’s pet shop is located in the town of Zelhem, not Amsterdam as stated in the article & title. Zelhem is approximately 135 km (85 miles) from Amsterdam  A woman in The Netherlands who uses her dogs to hunt in AustriaContinue Reading

Friday, July 29, 2011 Today sees the reopening of the National Museum of Scotland following a three-year renovation costing £47.4 million (US$ 77.3 million). Edinburgh’s Chambers Street was closed to traffic for the morning, with the 10am reopening by eleven-year-old Bryony Hare, who took her first steps in the museum,Continue Reading

Wednesday, November 22, 2006 Methane gas was blamed for the explosion deaths of 8 miners in southern Polish‘s Halemba coal mine Tuesday, November 21. Officials say at least 15 are missing. Rescue efforts were halted because dangerously high levels of methane gas returned, according to Zbigniew Madej, spokesman for state-ownedContinue Reading

Here’s An Opinion On: Real Estate Bald Hills Submitted by: Jeff Daley Agent Interview Answers: It’s not enough to know which questions to ask your agent. The answers to those questions are how you will figure out which agent to hire. Below are the best answers to each question. –Continue Reading