Friday, June 19, 2020 The following is the first edition of a monthly series chronicling the 2020 United States presidential election. It features original material compiled throughout the previous month after an overview of the month’s biggest stories. This month’s spotlight on the campaign trail includes interviews with the viceContinue Reading

Thursday, March 12, 2015 The Associated Press (AP) reported on Tuesday the U.S. Secret Service is conducting drone exercises over Washington, D.C. to defend against unmanned aerial vehicles being flown over the area. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) approved the Secret Service to conduct these flying exercises. The exercises areContinue Reading

Sunday, March 29, 2009 A New Jersey congressman says restrictions on federal stimulus money are hurting gaming destinations like Atlantic City, and he is seeking to repeal a provision banning the use of funds for casinos or other gaming establishments. HAVE YOUR SAY Is Ken Calemmo right to suggest thatContinue Reading

Monday, August 16, 2010 A London Underground engineering train ran away and travelled four miles on the Underground’s Northern Line early on Friday morning, resulting in part of the Northern Line, which carries 500,000 passengers daily, being closed for much of the day. The runaway train apparently had an engineeringContinue Reading

Wednesday, October 8, 2008 A passenger plane carrying tourists, has crash-landed at an airport near Mount Everest killing 18 of the 19 people on board. Of those killed were 12 German, two Australian and two Nepalese tourists. The remaining three were the plane’s crew who were of Nepalese decent. TheContinue Reading

Buffalo, N.Y. Hotel Proposal Controversy Recent Developments “Old deeds threaten Buffalo, NY hotel development” — Wikinews, November 21, 2006 “Proposal for Buffalo, N.Y. hotel reportedly dead: parcels for sale “by owner”” — Wikinews, November 16, 2006 “Contract to buy properties on site of Buffalo, N.Y. hotel proposal extended” — Wikinews,Continue Reading