Monday, December 31, 2007 What would you tell your grandchildren about 2007 if they asked you about it in, let’s say, 20 year’s time? If the answer to a quiz question was 2007, what would the question be? The year that you first signed on to Facebook? The year BritneyContinue Reading

Here’s An Opinion On: Buy Indoor Furniture La Submitted by: Maxx Johnson Outdoor furniture sets are an added attraction and comfort to the customers of commercial establishments like resorts, country clubs, golf clubs and resorts. Outdoor furniture chairs and tables will let the guests enjoy the outdoor with ease andContinue Reading

Thursday, January 29, 2009 Giving a cow a name and treating her as an individual with “more personal touch” can increase milk production, so says a scientific research published in the online “Anthrozoos,” which is described as a “multidisciplinary journal of the interactions of people and animals”. The Newcastle University‘sContinue Reading

Saturday, March 28, 2009 Almost 100 cats and one dog were found living in a feces- and filth-ridden New Jersey house, in what local authorities are calling among the worst cases of animal cruelty they have ever seen. Authorities had to wear masks in order to help them breathe throughContinue Reading

Here’s An Opinion On: Corelle Brands Site byadmin An HVAC system is vital to the comfort of your home. These systems can last between ten and twenty years before needing to be replaced. By making this investment, although it may seem expensive, you will get your money’s worth over time.Continue Reading

Thursday, August 16, 2007 The name Robert Cailliau may not ring a bell to the general public, but his invention is the reason why you are reading this: Dr. Cailliau together with his colleague Sir Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web, making the internet accessible so it could growContinue Reading

Friday, January 20, 2006 In Norway, the Oslo and Akershus County Medical Officer has announced that it is launching an inquiry into a possible scientific hoax, involving cancer researchers from Norway, the U.S. and Finland. In October 2005, the Norwegian researcher Jon Sudbø along with 13 co-authors published the studyContinue Reading

Tuesday, June 27, 2006 Australian Minister for Vocational Education and Training, Gary Hardgrave has announced the government will provide AU$15.8 million to establish an Australian Technical College in North Adelaide. The minister said the government was entering into a partnership with the Archdiocese of Adelaide and consortium of industrial andContinue Reading

Thursday, August 10, 2006 Amendments to the War Crimes Act, drafted by the Bush administration, will retroactively indemnify policymakers and government officials from criminal charges for authorizing abuse and torture of prisoners captured in the War on Terrorism campaign. The White House stated that these amendments “will apply to anyContinue Reading