Sunday, January 27, 2008 Viktor Schreckengost, the father of industrial design and creator of the Jazz Bowl, an iconic piece of Jazz Age art designed for Eleanor Roosevelt during his association with Cowan Pottery died yesterday. He was 101. Schreckengost was born on June 26, 1906 in Sebring, Ohio, UnitedContinue Reading

Saturday, April 12, 2008 According to reports, authorities in Belgium have seized documents, financial records and computer equipment from the local branch of the Church of Scientology (Church) and then sealed off the building. The reports state that the Church in Belgium is being investigated for extortion and fraud forContinue Reading

Wednesday, November 6, 2013 This week, Wikinews interviewed Spanish Paralympic sport shooter Paulo Fontán Torreiro. Late last month, Galician Fontán competed at the Alicante hosted 2013 IPC European Shooting Championship, where he finished twenty-third in the R4 10-meter air rifle standing event, and fortieth in the R5 10-meter air rifleContinue Reading

Tuesday, August 5, 2008 Starting in September, British schools will inform parents of their child’s weight in an attempt to deal with the growing issue of obesity, according to an announcement by the Department of Health (DoH). Nearly 23% of children aged 4-5 are overweight or obese, with that figureContinue Reading

Wednesday, February 22, 2012 NOTE [ ? ] This article’s primary contributor has recently invoked the complaints process of a different regional NHS trust. However, he has never had any dealings with NHS Lanarkshire, has never been registered there, and has never received medical attention there. His only contact with NHSContinue Reading

Monday, September 22, 2008 Several mainstream news outlets have misstated and overstated a possible link between cellular phone use and decreased fertility in men. A single experiment, which has not yet been published in any peer reviewed journal or replicated by other scientists, observed an average decrease in sperm motilityContinue Reading

Thursday, November 2, 2006  Correction — November 9, 2006 The article incorrectly reports that the “opposition parties opposed” the HC notice on exempting Lal Deora areas from building bylaws. The article should read, BJP Municipal corporators opposed some provisions of resolutions passed by the MCD on March 13 urging postponement ofContinue Reading

Here’s An Opinion On: Compare Prices Green Slip Submitted by: Foster Hibbard / John Harricharan I met Foster Hibbard many years ago. I was going through some very challenging times my wife was battling cancer (we had no health or life insurance), I had two young children to take careContinue Reading