Correction — August 24, 2015 This article incorrectly describes BP as ‘British Petroleum’. In fact, such a company has not existed for many years as BP dropped this name when becoming a multinational company. The initials no longer stand for anything.  Monday, February 28, 2005 Bucharest, Romania — The construction ofContinue Reading

Monday, June 23, 2008 2008 COMPUTEX Taipei, the largest trade fair since its inception in 1982, featured several seminars and forums, expansions on show spaces to TWTC Nangang, great transformations for theme pavilions, and WiMAX Taipei Expo, mainly promoted by Taipei Computer Association (TCA). Besides of ICT industry, “design” progressivelyContinue Reading

Here’s An Opinion On: Stabbing Pain In Knee Cap Dancers are vulnerable to sciatica because of the amount of concentration on turning out their legs. This often leads to piriformis syndrome. Dancers also move in a large range of movement at the spine, which end in undue stress on theContinue Reading

Sunday, July 8, 2007 Since last Tuesday, following violent confrontations with Pakistan’s army, up to 1800 clerics and students are still holed up in Islamabad’s Red Mosque. Clashes began last week following mounting antagonism between the mosques hard-line leaders and the government lead by President Pervez Musharraf. The mosque hasContinue Reading

Sunday, January 10, 2010 Chinese officials have said that their country’s exports surged last December to edge out Germany as the world’s biggest exporter. The official Xinhua news agency reported today that figures from the General Administration for Customs showed that exports jumped 17.7% in December from a year earlier.Continue Reading